How to Properly Store and Preserve Your Cannabis for Perfect Cannabis Cured


Whether you're a regular or infrequent smoker, knowing how to store weed properly is arguably as crucial as knowing your preferred consumption method or strains.

When it comes to cannabis flowers, it's important to remember that you are consuming a plant that must be grown, harvested, dried, and cured before it can be smoked. This means that failure to store cannabis properly will harm its quality. Here, we will go over how to store your cannabis properly. Keep reading to learn.

What will happen when weed isn't properly stored?

Before we tell you about proper storage and cannabis cured perfectly, we'd like to give you a better overview of what happens when you don't store your weed properly.

Lost THC

When weed is exposed to oxygen, UV light, and heat, the cannabinoids in the cannabis flower, including THC, begin to degrade. It doesn't happen overnight, but the difference can be seen after a few weeks. Smoking the cannabis cured improperly won't leave you sober, but it won't get you as high as the one you smoked when you first got it.

CBN conversion

THC does not simply disappear as it degrades. It is converted into CBN, another cannabinoid. The conversion occurs primarily when weed is exposed to heat and oxygen, though it takes time. Although this chemical compound has some slight psychoactive properties, it will not get you high on its own.

Lost flavor

Keeping your herb in a warm place has additional consequences apart from lost THC. As the weed weakens, it will feel and taste harsher when smoked. This is due to the drying of terpenes over time. Excessive moisture and light also contribute to this problem.


The Enemies of Cannabis Cured and Stored for Freshness

The following are the things that proper curing and storage deal with


When it comes to humidity and cannabis, you must keep a precise balance. You risk a mold infestation if your storage solution adds too much moisture. On the other hand, the cannabinoids and terpenes will eventually wither away if the humidity level is insufficient. Even though they have very different outcomes, they are both equally unpleasant.


Simply put, terpenes and other cannabinoids will suffer significantly from prolonged UV exposure. This is particularly harmful in tropical regions, where heat and humidity combine to harm your supply.


High temperatures can accelerate the degradation of terpenes and cannabinoids, which frequently goes hand in hand with excessive humidity. Generally, you must make sure that the temperature in your weed storage area doesn't rise above 25.5 °C (78 °F) since mold and mildew can grow in any environment between 25.5 and 30 °C (78 and 86 °F).

Storage Material

Many people aren't even aware that the base material of your container can directly affect how quickly your weed ages. For example, plastic material can cause your weed stash to "sweat." This implies that your weed will release its internal moisture, like when you sweat. The result will be a dry and harsh flower.


How to Store Weed For Perfect Cannabis Cured 

Now that you understand the harmful effects of not storing your weed correctly, you must learn how to protect it and keep it fresh. The good news is that it's a relatively straightforward process, and you might already have everything you require to start saving your marijuana for a long time.

Use an Airtight Glass or Ceramic Container for Cannabis Cured Perfectly.

When your buds are fully cured, we suggest keeping them in mason jars. You should store your marijuana in airtight containers because of the harm oxygen can cause. However, it can't just be any container. Tupperware is out because, as we previously mentioned, plastic can hasten the aging process. However, a ceramic or glass container will keep it secure and fresh.

Use Dark Containers for Cannabis Cured Perfectly

Your chosen container should be opaque, airtight, and made of glass or ceramic. Darkening your jars can guarantee complete safety because light can cause irreparable damage to your cannabis. However, you should first check that your curing space is entirely dark. Blacked-out jars, however, allow you to check in without raising too many concerns when you turn on the lights.

Keep the Temperature Low

Once your buds are in their containers, you should keep the room cool. Temperatures below 25.5 °C (78 °F) will help prevent mold growth. The ideal temperature setting would be 21 °C (70 °F).

Maintain Proper Humidity

It is recommended to store cannabis between 55%-62%. A simple way to do this is using a 2-Way Humidity Control bag. Place one of these bags in your dark container to keep the proper balance. This will assist with mold prevention as well. 

Maintain Clean Storage

Now that almost everything is in order, all that is left to do is maintain cleanliness. Make sure to keep your storage clean of dust and mold. 


Additional Advice on Long-term Storage To Lessen Smells

Vacuum sealing

The best approach will be to vacuum-seal your cannabis if discretion is your goal. You can buy vacuum-sealed marijuana bags online and at local dispensaries. However, food packaging works just as well. 

Don't Keep Marijuana in the Freezer or Refrigerator

The freezer dries out your weed and makes it brittle. On the other hand, the fridge produces excessive condensation, which puts it at risk of mold. This is despite the two being dark and cool environments.

Utilize Ground Flowers as Soon as You Can

Even when properly stored, ground marijuana won't last as long as unbroken cannabis flowers. To extract the most terpenes from ground weed, it is advisable to use it within 30 days.


Takeaway About Cannabis Cured and Stored Properly

You will preserve the quality and potency of your cannabis if you store it properly. Store your flowers in an airtight glass or ceramic jar packed tightly, and keep them in a dark, cool place. Pre-rolls can be kept in the package they came in or, for longer-lasting freshness, in a glass jar. Experts advise vacuum sealing flowers if the odor is an issue or if you want to store them for an extended period of time.

Now head to Beach Fire in Traverse City and get the best cannabis you can find. You're now ready to stock up.